Austell Finance Department is integral to all aspects of the
administration of the City. Working with the Mayor, City Council, and
Department Directors, the Finance Director prepares an annual budget,
interacts with the auditors, and is responsible for the general overview
of the funds for the City.
Annual property tax notices, including the stormwater utility, and
monthly utility water bills are generated by the Finance Department.
Payments for taxes and/or water bills may be presented in person or
mailed to 2716 Broad Street, SW in downtown Austell.
The Finance Department operates in accordance with the Uniform Chart of Accounts as directed by the State of Georgia.
The City has an important responsibility to its citizens to carefully
account for public funds, prudently manage municipal finances, and to
plan for the adequate funding of services desired by the public.
The Finance department is responsible for the administration of all
financial activities of the city. The Finance department collects,
projects, acquires and controls the city’s financial resources in a way
that promotes stability and integrity.
Utility and Property Taxes
The Finance department provides financial management for the Water
and Sewer, Stormwater, and Property tax divisions through billing,
collecting and rate setting for over 3000 customers.
Accounts Payable and Payroll
The Finance department provides payroll services to over 100 City
employees and manages all disbursement activities to its vendors.
Accounting & Operations
The Finance department administers cash management and investment
programs, administers financial accounting of grants and contracts to
assure financial compliance and finally prepares and tracks the revenue
and expenditure budgets for the 12 funds of the City. The department
also evaluates and prescribes internal controls for the safeguarding of
the city assets and maintains fund accounting systems according to
generally-accepted accounting principles.
Contact Us
Finance Department
City Hall
5000 Austell Powder Springs Rd Suite 300
Austell, Georgia 30106
Office: (770) 944-4300