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Bids & Proposals

  • Purchases greater than $1,000 and less than $3,000 shall be authorized by the respective department heads who are required to document in writing their efforts to obtain at least three quotes or bids for each purchase. Documentation&nbsp all associated paperwork will be maintained by the department.
  • Purchases between $3,000 and $24,999. The department head, together with the mayor shall authorize purchases between $3,000 and $24,999. All such purchases shall require informal (non-advertised, no-sealed) bids. Supporting bid documentation must be in written form. A minimum of three bids must be obtained from qualified vendors who regularly offer or carry the items or services to be purchased.
  • Purchases over $25,000. Any purchase in excess of $25,000 shall be approved/awarded by the mayor and city council in a regular or special meeting, unless it is made under a Cobb County, state, federal G.S.A. negotiated contract purchasing system, or pursuant to O.C.G.A. 3669A-4, as may be amended from time to time. Such purchases shall require formal competitive sealed bids, which shall be advertised in the Georgia Procurement Registry (if estimated greater than $100,000) pursuant to O.C.G.A. 36-80-26, and as may be amended from time to time.

Click here for further information on Request for City of Austell Bid documents direct your emails to or mail to :

Finance Department
City Hall
5000 Austell Powder Springs Rd Suite 300
Austell, Georgia 30106





ITB Raspberry Way, Hydrangea Lane, Scuppernong Ct., Gladiola Way & Malanga Ct. Paving 

      Addendum 1 

      Addendum 2